How Long is 1GB of Data Used on WhatsApp?

How Long is 1GB of Data Used on WhatsApp?

In today’s world, almost 90 out of 100 people use WhatsApp. But do you know how long 1GB of Data is Used on WhatsApp? UAE has more expensive packages than other countries. Most people in UAE use WhatsApp packages instead of expensive call or internet packages.

This helps them stay in touch with their loved ones. The WhatsApp package is available at a lower price than other internet packages. 1GB of data is used a lot in UAE. 1 GB of WhatsApp data is used on a different basis. For example, if you use your WhatsApp only for text messages, you can easily use it for a month.

How Long is 1GB of Data Used on WhatsApp?

This is because a text message uses about 30KB. So with this calculation, you can send around 33,000 messages with 1 GB of data per month. On the contrary, if you send or request photos to someone if the size of a photo is 5 MB or a maximum of 16 MB, then you can send or request about 62-200 photos a month, saving you 1 GB. WhatsApp package will be used and you may need to install a new package.

How Long is 1GB of Data Used on WhatsApp?

How long does 1GB of data last on WhatsApp? There can be many answers to this question. Because using 1 GB of WhatsApp data depends on human activities. It depends on how you use the 1GB data. We have done a few tests using other WhatsApps including sending and receiving text messages, audio, video calls, photos, and documents. See below for more information in a better way.

1GB Whatsapp Data For Text Messages

1GB of WhatsApp data

33,000 messages per month

Sending messages on WhatsApp uses very little data. If you only use your WhatsApp for text messages, you can easily use it for a month.

This is because a single text message uses about 30KB. So by this calculation, you can send about 33,000 messages per month with 1 GB of data.

You can send more than 1000 messages per day just by using WhatsApp for messaging.

1GB Whatsapp Data For Text Messages

1GB Whatsapp Data For Voice Calls and Messages

1GB of WhatsApp data40 hours for voice messages or calls
1GB Whatsapp Data For Voice Calls and Messages
1GB Whatsapp Data For Voice Calls and Messages

1 GB WhatsApp data If you use it on audio calls or voice messages, a 5-minute call or voice message consumes 25 MB of your data. Similarly, if you spend an hour on voice messages or calls to someone, you will use 300 MB in one session. You can use 1GB of data continuously for about 40 hours for voice messages or calls on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is a good reason to call anywhere at a low cost. If your network is 4G or 5G, you can call anyone and anywhere in a clear voice without any interruption or hassle. It saves you from expensive call packages offered in the UAE. As a result, you can make countless calls and stay connected with your loved ones.

1GB Whatsapp Data For Photos and Documents

Photos and documents use your data differently. Because the size of an image on WhatsApp usually ranges from 5MB to 16MB. Similarly, the size of a document in a few bytes is what you find in PDF files or other types of documents. Below is the data consumption calculation for documents and photos.


1GB of WhatsApp data62 to 200 photos
1GB Whatsapp Data For Photos and Documents
1GB Whatsapp Data For Photos and Documents

As mentioned above, the size of an image on WhatsApp usually ranges from 5MB to 16 MB. With this calculation, you can send and receive up to 62 to 200 photos in 1 GB of WhatsApp data. This is just an estimate of how you send or request images depending on your data.

While sending WhatsApp images, be sure to compress their size or try sending them in a docs file. By the way, WhatsApp compresses images with the help of its feature. Due to this less data is used.


1GB of WhatsApp dataThousands of documents in a month
1GB Whatsapp Data For documents

A single document consumes a few kilobytes of your data. It depends on your PDF files and how many pages of documents you are sending or receiving. With 1GB of Watts data, you can send or receive thousands of documents in a month.

Videos or Video Calls

1GB of WhatsApp dataJust 40 minutes
1GB Whatsapp Data For Videos or Video Calls
1GB Whatsapp Data For Videos or Video Calls

If you use it on video calls or video, a 10-minute call or video consumes 300MB of data. Similarly, if you spend an hour on video or video calling someone, you will use 1GB in just 40 minutes. You can use 1GB of data continuously for about 40 minutes for video or video calls on WhatsApp.

If your network is 4G or 5G, you can make video calls to anyone and anywhere in clear video without any interruption or hassle. As a result, you can make unlimited video calls and see your loved ones daily. Try to at least send and receive videos or make videos mandatory to use Wi-Fi.

Tips to maximize your 1GB data

If you subscribe to 1GB of data only once a month. So we will tell you some tips here so that you can save your 1GB of data for a long time. Follow the below-mentioned factors and save your valuable data.

  • Download short or large videos on WhatsApp mostly over Wi-Fi.
  • Turn off auto download media in your WhatsApp.
  • Avoid sending or receiving videos that are too long.
  • Use Wi-Fi more and use data only in places where you don’t have Wi-Fi.
  • Avoid sending or ordering images with high pixels.
  • Turn on the WhatsApp saving data option mode.
  • Use Wi-Fi only for long audio or video calls.
  • Only resort to text messages when necessary.
  • Be sure to compress images before sending them, this will save you from using up too much of your data.
Tips to maximize your 1GB data

If you follow the above factors, you can surely use 1GB of data for a long time. Avoid downloading your videos or photos. Keep your data on only when your work needs it. Otherwise, try to keep your device connected to Wi-Fi as much as possible. This process will last you a GB of data for a long time.

Picture of johnson Barody

johnson Barody

With over 8 years of experience in article writing and SEO, I specialize in providing well-researched and verified information about UAE travel, finance, public transport, and telecom services. My content is based on trusted sources like RTA, UAE government portals, and verified news websites. My work has been referenced by multiple UAE-based platforms, making my blog a reliable source of information. I ensure that all the details provided are accurate and regularly updated. For inquiries, contact me at [email protected].

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