If you want to go from Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Stn, you can use the H04 bus. Traveling by train or taxi can be expensive but can help you find your way around quickly. The RTA H04 bus route has been launched to connect these two points. Today’s article will explain the Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Stn bus timings, fares, travel distances, and all bus stop names. Before traveling on the RTA H04 bus route, know all about it here.
H04 Bus Route Overview
H04 Bus UAE launched from Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Stn. Due to this, people can easily travel from Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Stn at very low fares. New or old passengers need to travel on this route.
So H04 buses for this journey make your journey at a very low fare and in less time. On its way from Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Stn, the H04 bus makes around 5 stops covering a distance of 12 kilometers, and this route takes 25 minutes to reach Hatta Bus Stn. H04 bus timings for Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Stn depart every day from 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM.
Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Station Bus Timings
The H04 Bus departs from Hatta Bus Station to the Hatta Dam bus station every 120 minutes from 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM every day.
Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Station Bus Timings
- First bus: 07:00 AM
- Last bus: 09:00 PM
Days | Timings |
Monday | 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM |
Tuesday | 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM |
Wednesday | 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM |
Thursday | 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM |
Friday | 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM |
Saturday | 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM |
Sunday | 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM |
Note: The last H04 bus is at 09:00 PM. Use your NOL card to pay the fare for this trip.
Travel Time and Expected Journey Duration
After departure from Hatta, Bus Station, intercity RTA bus H04 makes one stop every 1-2 minutes. After departure from Hatta Dam, the bus first travels through Hatta Hill Park, Hatta Wadi Hub, and Hatta Heritage Village, and reaches its main stop Hatta Bus Station in 25 minutes.

- Hatta Dam
- Hatta Hill Park
- Hatta Wadi Hub
- Hatta Heritage Village
- Hatta Bus Station
H04 Bus Fare
Travel fare from Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Station by RTA H04 bus is only 2 AED per Stop. The H04 bus will easily take you from Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Station in just 25 minutes. The NOL card can be used for the H04 bus. It operates an intercity bus that connects major cities like Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Stn. So, to board this bus and travel from Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Stn, one has to pay 2 AED per stop with the help of an NOL card. Must read our article to check your NOL card balance.
The departure time from Hatta Dam to Hatta Bus Station is on every day at 07:00 AM and the last bus leaves at 09:00 PM.
On its way from Hatta Bus Station to the Hatta Dam, the H04 bus makes around 5 stops covering a distance of 12 kilometers in 25 minutes.
Download the RTA Smart App and log in or sign up for your account for the best bus service and bus tracking online. Call Dubai RTA Customer Care number 800 90 90 for any information or to complain about any issue. Also, if you are based abroad, you can contact the RTA team directly by calling +971 4 605 1414.