Etisalat to Ajman Bus Timings | E411 Bus Route

Etisalat to Ajman Bus Timings - E411 Bus Route

Using the E411 bus to go from Etisalat to Ajman would be best. Traveling by metro train or taxi can be a bit expensive. That is why the E411 bus route has been launched in Dubai. With this bus, you can easily and cheaply travel on the E411 bus route. In today’s article, we will tell you about Etisalat to Ajman Bus Timings, E411 Bus Fares, and E411 Bus Arrival times. If you also want to travel by E411 bus, stay connected with our article and read it completely.

E411 Bus Route Overview

The E411 bus route from Etisalat to Ajman in Dubai offers the fastest and cheapest journey to passengers. The route covers a total of 22 km, with a total of 6 stops. The names of these 6 stops are mentioned below.

  1. Etisalat MS
  2. Al Karama
  3. Al Jafiliya
  4. Al Qusais Industrial Area 1 Ajman
  5. Crown Palace Hotel 1 Ajman
  6. Al Musallah Bus Station
E411 Bus

This route is covered by the E411 bus for a total of 45 minutes. The total fare from Etisalat Bus Station to Ajman, Al Musallah Bus Station is only 3 AED. The E411 bus is famous for its very cheap fares and smooth journey in Dubai. You can also book a taxi in UAE for this journey which will make your journey even faster.

Monday to Saturday E411 bus times

The E411 bus route is carefully timed as buses depart from Dubai’s Etisalat Metro Station bus terminal every 60 minutes.

Etisalat to Ajman’s first E411 bus time is Monday to Saturday at 06:00 AM. The last E411 bus from Etisalat to Ajman is on Sunday at 09:00 PMÛ”

The E411 bus departs from Etisalat Metro Station in Dubai every 60 minutes from 06:00 AM to 09:00 PM. Around 16 buses depart for this journey throughout the day.

The timings of the E411 bus from Etisalat to Ajman from Monday to Saturday are in the table below:

Etisalat Bus StationCrown Palace HotelRashidiyaLuLu Hypermarket AAl Musallah Bus Station
06:00 AM06:33 AM06:36 AM06:40 AM06:43 AM
07:00 AM07:33 AM07:36 AM07:40 AM07:43 AM
08:00 AM08:33 AM08:36 AM08:40 AM08:43 AM
09:00 AM09:33 AM09:36 AM09:40 AM09:43 AM
10:00 AM10:36 AM10:41 AM10:46 AM10:51 AM
11:00 AM11:36 AM11:41 AM11:46 AM11:51 AM
12:00 PM12:36 PM12:41 PM12:46 PM12:51 PM
01:00 PM01:36 PM01:42 PM01:47 PM01:52 PM
02:00 PM02:39 PM02:44 PM02:50 PM02:55 PM
03:00 PM03:39 PM03:44 PM03:50 PM03:55 PM
04:00 PM04:42 PM04:47 PM04:54 PM04:59 PM
05:00 PM05:51 PM05:57 PM06:04 PM06:10 PM
06:00 PM06:59 PM07:06 PM07:13 PM07:20 PM
07:00 PM07:59 PM08:05 PM08:12 PM08:18 PM
08:00 PM08:50 PM08:56 PM09:03 PM09:09 PM
09:00 PM09:50 PM09:56 PM10:03 PM10:08 PM
Etisalat to Ajman E411 bus timings Monday to Saturday

E411 bus times on Sundays

RTA E411 bus departs from Etisalat Bus Station to Ajman, Al Musallah Bus Station on Sundays. The first E411 bus from Etisalat to Ajman departs at 10:00 AM on Sunday. The last E411 bus from Etisalat to Ajman is on Sunday at 09:00 PM.

The Sunday departure times of the E411 bus from all stations are in the table below:

Etisalat Bus StationAjman, Crown Palace HotelAjman, RashidiyaAjman, LuLu Hypermarket AAjman, Al Musallah Bus Station
10:00 AM10:31 AM10:34 AM10:37 AM10:40 AM
11:00 AM11:31 AM11:34 AM11:37 AM11:40 AM
12:00 PM12:31 PM12:34 PM12:37 PM12:40 PM
01:00 PM01:33 PM01:37 PM01:42 PM01:46 PM
02:00 PM02:33 PM02:37 PM02:42 PM02:46 PM
03:00 PM03:33 PM03:37 PM03:42 PM03:46 PM
04:00 PM04:35 PM04:39 PM04:45 PM04:49 PM
04:49 PM05:24 PM05:28 PM05:34 PM05:38 PM
05:45 PM06:23 PM06:28 PM06:33 PM06:38 PM
06:45 PM07:25 PM07:30 PM07:35 PM07:40 PM
07:46 PM08:25 PM08:30 PM08:34 PM08:38 PM
08:51 PM09:30 PM09:34 PM09:39 PM09:43 PM
09:51 PM10:24 PM10:28 PM10:33 PM10:36 PM
Etisalat to Ajman E411 Bus Timings on Sundays

Etisalat to Ajman Bus Fare

Travel fare from Etisalat to Ajman by E411 bus is only 03 AED. This bus will easily take you from Etisalat to Ajman in just 45 minutes.

In this low and cheap fare, you are offered very comfortable seats and AC-conditioned bus service in Dubai RTA buses.

All RTA bus fares in Dubai are charged with the help of an NOL card so check your NOL card balance before traveling on any bus in Dubai.

Dubai Rta Customer Care Number

  • Call Center: 800 90 90 (toll-free)
  • Customer Service Centers: Al Barsha, Al Kifaf, Al Manarah, Al Twar, Deira, and Umm Ramool
  • Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
  • App: RTA Smart App
  • Overseas Callers: +971 4 605 1414
  • Dubai RTA Tel: +971 4 284 4444
  • Website:
  • Fax: +971 4206 5555
  • P.O. Box: 118899
  • Contact Timing: Monday – Thursday (7:30 am to 3:30 pm) & Friday timing (8:00 am to 12:30 pm)


What are the Etisalat to Ajman bus timings?

Etisalat to Ajman E411 bus departs Monday to Saturday at 06:00 AM and the last bus departs at 09:00 PM. On Sundays, the first bus departs from Etisalat Bus Station at 10:00 am and the Akari bus departs at 09:51 pm.

How much is the total bus fare charged from Etisalat to Ajman?

The total fare from Etisalat Bus Station to Ajman, Al Musallah Bus Station is only 3 AED. The E411 bus is famous for its very cheap fares and smooth journey in Dubai.

How far is E411 bus from Etisalat to Ajman?

The total distance of the E411 bus from Etisalat to Ajman is 22 km which is covered by the e411 bus in a total time of 45 minutes.

Can I pay the fare in cash for Etisalat to Ajman?

No, you cannot pay the fare with cash on the E411 bus. All RTA bus fares in Dubai are charged with the help of an NOL card so check your NOL card balance before traveling on any bus in Dubai.

Picture of johnson Barody

johnson Barody

With over 8 years of experience in article writing and SEO, I specialize in providing well-researched and verified information about UAE travel, finance, public transport, and telecom services. My content is based on trusted sources like RTA, UAE government portals, and verified news websites. My work has been referenced by multiple UAE-based platforms, making my blog a reliable source of information. I ensure that all the details provided are accurate and regularly updated. For inquiries, contact me at [email protected].

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