Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus Timings | 117 Bus Route {Updated 2025}

The first 117 bus departs from 06:30 AM to 3:00 PM. During the day, the bus departs every 35 minutes from 03:00 PM to 8:15 PM. From 08:15 PM to 11:15 PM, bus availability increases again at 45-minute intervals.
Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus Timings

Abu Dhabi is looking to expand its public transport services. The Intercity 117 bus connects Abu Dhabi and Sharjah, and hundreds of people travel on it daily. The 117 bus usually takes less than three hours to travel and costs less than a taxi. Here we will tell you the Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus Timings, fares, stops, and travel distances.

Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus Timings

Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus Timings
Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus Timings

117 services start in the morning and end at midnight. Here are the most important things to know about bus scheduling:

  • First bus: Abu Dhabi Central Bus Terminus – 06:30 AM; Al Jubail Bus Station, Sharjah – departs at 09:20 AM.
  • Last bus: This bus, where the last passengers are scheduled to depart from the busy area of ​​Abu Dhabi, is at 11:15 PM. It arrives in Sharjah at 02:05 AM the next day.

Time difference according to frequency from dawn to dusk:

  • 06:30 AM to 3:00 PM – Bus departs every hour.
  • 03:00 PM to 8:15 PM – Bus every 35 minutes
  • 08:15 PM to 11:15 PM – At 45-minute intervals, bus availability increases again.

Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus Daily Timetable

Below is the schedule for the day that is accessible on all the days of the week:

DepartureArrivalNext Bus
06:30 AM09:20 AM45-60 min
07:30 AM10:20 AM45-60 min
08:15 AM11:05 AM45-60 min
09:00 AM11:50 AM45-60 min
09:45 AM12:35 PM45-60 min
10:30 AM01:20 PM45-60 min
11:15 AM02:05 PM45-60 min
12:00 PM02:50 PM45-60 min
12:45 PM03:35 PM45-60 min
01:30 PM04:20 PM45-60 min
02:15 PM05:05 PM45-60 min
03:00 PM05:50 PM45-60 min
03:35 PM06:25 PM45-60 min
04:10 PM07:00 PM45-60 min
04:45 PM07:35 PM45-60 min
05:20 PM08:10 PM45-60 min
05:55 PM08:45 PM45-60 min
06:30 PM09:20 PM45-60 min
07:05 PM09:55 PM45-60 min
07:40 PM10:30 PM45-60 min
08:15 PM11:05 PM45-60 min
09:00 PM11:50 PM45-60 min
09:45 PM12:35 AM45-60 min
10:30 PM01:20 AM45-60 min
11:15 PM02:05 AMLast Bus
Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Daily Bus Timings

Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus Route Map

117 Bus Route Map
117 Bus Route Map

Due to its straightforward, 4-stops destination, the 117 bus journey is bound to be quick and easy:

  1. Central Bus Station, Abu Dhabi
  2. Shahama Village/Jazirat Umm an Nar Stop, Abu Dhabi
  3. Ansar Mall, Sharjah
  4. Al Jubail Bus Station, Sharjah

This direct route from Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus reduces travel time. With as few as 4 stops, the 117 bus is an easy choice for travelers.

117 Bus Ticket Price and Fare Payment

A one-way bus 117 from Abu Dhabi to Sharjah will cost you 30 AED. Discounts are available for Sayer card users, while non-Sayer cardholders can pay in cash on the buses.

Before using the Sayer card, make sure that you have enough balance on your Sayer card to pay for the bus fare. Note that the bus does not accept NOL, credit, or debit cards.

Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus Travel Duration

Abu Dhabi to Sharjah Bus Travel Duration
117 Bus Travel Duration

Abu Dhabi and Sharjah are separated by 264 KM. The average travel time is approximately 2 hours and 50 minutes, but this can vary due to congestion or other uncontrollable factors.

In case of heavy congestion, the journey may take an additional 15 to 20 minutes.

Sharjah RTA Customer Care

For inquiries or complaints about the 117 bus service, you can contact Sharjah RTA Customer Care:

Alternatives to the 117 Bus

For users who do not find the 117 bus suitable, it is recommended to consider the following options for traveling between Abu Dhabi and Sharjah:

  • Taxi: Taxi fare from Abu Dhabi to Sharjah is in the price range of 250 to 300 AED, which is definitely more than the cost of bus transportation.
  • Driving your car: This figure is approximately 100 to 120 AED, depending on fuel and toll taxes, as well as driving costs.
  • Rent a Car: You can also rent a car to make this trip. Renting a car can be a bit expensive as you have to bear the cost of both the car rental and fuel.


What is the fare of bus 117 from Abu Dhabi to Sharjah?

The fare of bus 117 from Abu Dhabi to Sharjah is 30 AED. Also, if you have a Sair card, you can get some discount on the fare.

Where does the route of bus 117 start from?

The route of bus 117 starts from the Central Bus Station in Abu Dhabi and ends at Al Jubail Bus Station in Sharjah.

What is the timing of bus 117 from Abu Dhabi to Sharjah?

The first bus of bus 117 leaves at 6:30 am and the last bus leaves at 11:15 pm. The interval of buses is 35 to 45 minutes.

How long does the journey of bus 117 from Abu Dhabi to Sharjah take?

The 117 bus takes 2 hours and 50 minutes but can take an additional 15-20 minutes due to traffic.

Where can I buy a ticket for the Abu Dhabi to Sharjah 117 bus?

You can buy a ticket for the 117 bus with cash or a Saiyir card. Credit or debit cards are not accepted on the buses.


In conclusion, the 117 bus is a cheap and reliable way to travel from Abu Dhabi to Sharjah. The bus runs on time, seating its passengers comfortably.

The 117 bus runs on a simple route, making it convenient for both residents and visitors.

Whether you are traveling for work or pleasure, this service ensures a smooth journey at a reasonable price.

Picture of johnson Barody

johnson Barody

With over 8 years of experience in article writing and SEO, I specialize in providing well-researched and verified information about UAE travel, finance, public transport, and telecom services. My content is based on trusted sources like RTA, UAE government portals, and verified news websites. My work has been referenced by multiple UAE-based platforms, making my blog a reliable source of information. I ensure that all the details provided are accurate and regularly updated. For inquiries, contact me at [email protected].

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